Lade Veranstaltungen

WKÖ AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA / ADVANTAGE AUSTRIAEnterprise Europe Network Austria and its partners are pleased to invite you to this outstanding international greentech event.

The event takes place on 10 and 11 May 2022 as hybrid event. At the GreenTech Days 2022, companies and experts from over 50 nations will network on topics, projects and products in the green tech sector.

Why participate?

GreenTech Days 2022 connect up to 1,000 experts and companies from +50 nations.

  • Explore your export opportunities and make new business connections.
  • Benefit from the B2B platform and book b2b meetings.
  • Find new international business partners and experts!
  • Become an Exhibitor or Sponsor to present your products or services.
  • Use the marketplace to exchange about business opportunities.


The main topics of the event and the participating companies: 

Environment – waste management, recycling, circular economy, waste to energy, resource efficiency, water management, water supply, waste water treatment, sewage treatment, filter systems, etc.

Energy – hydropower, wind power, solar and photovoltaic, biomass, biofuels, biogas, heat pumps, geothermal energy, hydrogen, energy storage, etc.

Efficiency/Green Building – planning services, architecture, urban planning, building technology, energy efficient buildings, building materials, insulating materials, etc.

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