


Digitalisierung und Automatisierung für Energiegemeinschaften: In diesem Webinar lernen Sie konkrete Anwendungsfälle der Digitalisierung und Automatisierung im Rahmen von Energiegemeinschaften kennen.  

AI meets Space


AI Austria and Brimatech with support of the Vienna Business Agency is organizing an event to connect stakeholders from AI and space as well as to raise awareness for this topic.

Data Spaces Dialogue


Unboxing the Automotive Supply Chain Data Space Catena-X In this live session IDSA will “unbox” a data space that is already out there and has [...]

5th Annual Women in Data Science Datathon


The 5th Annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) Datathon will launch in January, in advance of the WiDS Worldwide Conference to be held on March 7th, 2022. [...]

AI for Good Webinars: AI and Climate Science


How can AI improve weather and climate prediction? AI methods are rapidly taking hold in almost any aspect of our lives. In some specialized application [...]

FIWARE Global Summit

Gran Canaria, Spain Av. de la Feria, 1, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spanien

Play a key role in a truly smart journey to Digital Transformation – be part of this growing global network.

FIWARE: Turning Data Spaces into Reality


FIWARE Smart Fest: Turning Data Spaces into Reality Fully aligned with the European Data Strategy, FIWARE actively contributes to the creation of a single market [...]

Energy Systems Catapult: Value in Energy Data Webinar


Energy Systems Catapult is pleased to invite you to the next session in the Value in Energy Data Webinar Series entitled ‘Open energy data and open data standards for improved public policy’ with Robbie Morrison.

Climate, Energy & Mobility Info Day (Cluster 5)


Focusing on the twin green and digital transitions to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050 The primary goal of the Cluster 5 info days’ second [...]

Masters of Digital 2022: Europe´s Digital Moment

Hybrid (Online & Brussels)

Masters of Digital 2022: Europe´s Digital Moment Masters of Digital returns on 3 February 2022 in a hybrid format, both in Brussels and online. This [...]

IDSA Winterdays 2022 | Trust all the Way


IDSA Winterdays 2022: Trust all the Way Trust. Trust, along with interoperability and governance, is an indispensable prerequisite for the design of a data space. [...]

AI for Good Webinars: Wind industry


Wind industry: green energy robots for achieving the planet net-zero future Wind power has the potential to meet more than a third of the global [...]

DIO-Workshop: Nachhaltige Mobilitätswende


Über die Veranstaltung Der DIO-Datenraum Mobilität arbeitet daran, die Art wie Mobilitätsdaten unter vielen Organisationen geteilt, kombiniert und genutzt werden auf einen professionellen und sicheren [...]

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